- Vacuum shroud used in dust containment while using drillsand percussion hammers
- Captures up to 99% of concrete dust and slurry
- Works with any drill bit 4” or smaller
- Made of flexible rubber that sucks to any surface
- Complies with OSHA Silica Rule and EPA regulations forpoint-of-origin dust containment
Some people buy a drill just for the included shroud. Don’tbuy a new one—use the drills you already have.
The 4” BitBuddie works with any drill bit 4” or smaller -just trim to fit your bit. The included adapter hose will adapt to moststandard wet dry vacuums.
Captures 99% Of Dust & Slurry
The BitBuddie captures nearly all dust and slurry generatedwhile drilling. Using vacuum suction, the dust and debris are caught, givingyou a truly dustless work environment.
This saves you and your workers from breathing harmfulsilica dust while keeping the area dust free, saving time and money in cleanup.
Held In Place By Suction
The BitBuddie uses vacuum suction to “stick” to whateversurface you are drilling. Slits around the bottom bring in the dust whilemaintaining a vacuum seal.
The BitBuddie can be used on concrete, wood, drywall, metal,and nearly any other material on ceilings, walls, floors, and any othersurface.
OSHA Silica Law Compliant
In September 2017, strict laws passed and enforced by OSHAgo into effect limiting silica dust exposure. Penalties and fines can besevere.
When used with a certified HEPA vacuum the BitBuddie iscompliant with OSHA and EPA laws, keeping you and your workers safe from legalaction and protecting you from harmful diseases caused by silica exposure.