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Fiberlock Asbestos Binding Compound (ABC)

Fiberlock Asbestos Binding Compound (ABC)

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Product Code: EN4006

ABC Asbestos Binding Compound is an asbestos sealant thatencapsulates friable Asbestos Containing Material (ACM), such as fireproofingand insulation material, and meets the requirements for effective encapsulationand removal of ACM. ABC provides maximum flexibility for specific asbestosabatement needs, including lockdown, removal, penetrating encapsulation andbridging encapsulation, and is an effective tool for controlling the documentedhealth hazard of exposure to asbestos fibers found in soil.

ABC was tested for the EPA by Battelle Laboratories andfound to meet the requirements for the effective encapsulation and removal ofACM.

- High solids asbestos encapsulant/sealant, designed toencapsulate friable Asbestos Containing Material (ACM)

- Applications: Ideal for use on fireproofing and insulationmaterial *Effective for controlling asbestos fibers in soil

Encapsulates fireproofing and soil

Class A fire rated

Exceeds EPA standards for encapsulation

Available in off-white, clear and green

Product Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet

How to Use


Prior to application it is important to determine if theexisting asbestos matrix is well adhered to the substrate. Correct any surfacedefects and clean all surfaces thoroughly. Be careful not to agitate asbestosfibers during preparation; this could increase asbestos exposure. Stir ABCthoroughly to achieve a uniform consistency. ABC may be diluted with water fordifferent applications.


Professional models of all brands of airless spray equipmentcan be used to successfully apply ABC. Use the settings below when applyingABC:


Pressure: 1300 – 1400 P.S.I. Tip: .017 – .031


Pressure: 2200 – 3000 P.S.I. Tip: .017 – .023


Pressure: 2200 – 2300 P.S.I. Tip: .015 – .025



For most fibrous asbestos applications such as “cottoncandy” style fireproofing or compressed acoustic material less than 2 inchesthick, add 1 part water to 1 part ABC. Using the proper spray equipmentsettings listed, apply ABC to the ACM until saturated. Multiple passes may berequired, allowing time between passes for dissipation of the solution into thematrix. Full saturation is achieved when the ACM will not absorb any more ofthe encapsulant into the matrix. Coverage, depending on thickness and porosityof the material, can vary between 50 – 75 sq. ft./gal.


A qualified asbestos professional should determine thenecessary dry film thick ness for individual abatement projects. The necessarydry film thickness of a bridging encapsulant for asbestos containing materials(ACM) will vary from project to project as ACM can have a wide range ofcharacteristics, including density, porosity, and surface profile. In the EPA’sGuidance for Controlling Asbestos-Containing Materials in Buildings (EPA 560 /5-84024, June 1985), the primary instruction regarding dry film thicknessstates that when encapsulating ACM, the coating is to be applied “considerablythicker than recommended for painting. Coverage should be no more than 100 sq.ft. per gallon and should create a continuous, unbroken coating” (Section5.1.3, page 5-8). For bridging applications, apply ABC at full strength with anairless sprayer in accordance with the settings listed below. Typical bridgingapplications are applied at a coverage rate of 75-100 sq. ft./gallon, whichyields a dry film thickness between 6-10 mils on hard, cementitious ACM. Formore information, contact Fiberlock or visit our website for the completeSpecification for ABC.


Removal is recommended for loosely adhered ACM. Mix 4 partswater to 1 part ABC and apply to ACM. ABC will facilitate removal bypenetrating into the ACM keeping it moist and sticky. After the ACM has beenremoved, apply 1 part ABC diluted with 1 part water to seal residual fibers lefton substrate.


For encapsulation of soil contaminated with asbestos, mixone part ABC with one part water. Apply as a penetrating encapsulant toincrease the dimensional stability of the soil, while reducing itsporosity. For heavy clay or hard packedsoils, the dilution rate may need to be increased to 2 parts water to one partABC to improve penetration. Poroussoils, such as those with high sand or gravel content, may require more productper square foot, or multiple applications of penetrating encapsulant solution.


Apply ABC full strength as a bridging encapsulant. Dry film thickness and application rateshould be determined by a qualified asbestos professional as appropriate to theproject site and goals.


Coverage depends on thickness and porosity of the material.

Penetrant: 50-75 ft2 per gallon

Penetrant (Soil): 30-35 ft2 per gallon.

Bridging Agent: 75-100 ft2 per gallon.

Bridging Agent (Soil): 75-100 ft2 per gallon.


@ 70°F 50% R.H

Drying time will vary based on thickness and porosity of theACM being encapsulated.

To Touch – 1-2 hours


Tools and drippings should be cleaned with warm soapy waterbefore coating dries. Follow equipment manufacturer’s directions to clean sprayequipment. Dispose of all waste according to current local, state and federalregulations.


Store in a dry place at temperatures between 40°F (4.5°C)and 90°F (32°C). Approved respirators must be used to prevent inhalation ofasbestos fibers that may be present in the air. Protective clothing should beworn. When applying with a sprayer, wear a NIOSH approved respirator with anyR, P, N or HE filter.

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